Packing Events

Host a Packing Event

Packing events are the Lowcountry Period Pixies’ most popular method of collecting individually-wrapped menstrual hygiene products which are assembled into packs that are delivered to our various schools and other organizations. These events can be arranged with your churches, employers, book clubs, youth groups, Girl/Boy scout troops, or any other club or organization you belong to.

If you are interested in hosting an event, fill out the Packing Event Agreement, and e-mail it to  A representative from our Bleedership team will reach out to you. 

If you are interested in attending an event, you can refer to the calendar on our home page to see if we have any public events you can attend.  We accept donations of individually wrapped tampons, maxi pads, hygiene wipes, and liners, as well as gallon-size zipper bags at our events.  We can’t wait to see you at the next one!

Lowcountry Period Pixies is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit.  EIN:  88-2741088 – we accept monetary donations as well as donations of individually wrapped menstrual hygiene products 

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